Prejudice Map
Select a type of bias below to visualize on map
Welcome to Prejudice Map
People have prejudices against various groups, and there are places where more of these prejudiced people live. Here we geolocate millions of people who have completed measures of prejudice. By averaging together people in an area, we can estimate "how prejudiced" an area might be against a specific group. Explore the map to find out where.
The Data
The data come from Project Implicit. We visualize two measures of bias: explicit and implicit.
Explicit bias is, for example, reporting on a survey that "I don't like XXX people."
Implicit bias is calculated from reaction time, for example, being faster to associate one group with "good" than "bad", compared to another group.
Go here if interested in taking a test yourself and learning more:
The Data
The data come from Project Implicit, a site people visit to learn more about their attitudes. We visualize two measures of bias: explicit and implicit.
Explicit bias is, for example, self-reporting on a survey that "I don't like XXX people."
Implicit bias, here from an "Implicit Association Test", is calculated from reaction time. For example, being faster to associate one group with "good" than "bad", compared to another group.
Go here to take a test yourself and learn more:
The Details
Data represent the attitudes of the majority group or "everyone else." This changes by type of bias. For example, anti-gay biases are the averaged attitudes of self-identified straight people. Some regions are not included, as the amount of data from that region was below a threshold (too few data points to be a reasonable estimate).
This map was created by Dr. Eric Hehman, a social scientist studying prejudice at McGill University.
Find more about his research here:;
Questions? Concerns? Compliments? Insults? Feel free to reach out at prejudicemaps [at] gmail
This site requires some time and resources to maintain. Over time, more types of prejudice and regions will be added, as well as updated over time with more data. If you like the site, please consider contributing whatever you wish: Here